
Jméno a příjmení E-mail Ročník Téma disertační práce Školitel Forma studia
Ing. Ivan Balogh, MIM 4 Dynamics and Factors of ESG Adoption in the Czech Republic doc. Ing. Ladislav Tyll, MBA, Ph.D. prezenční
Ing. Natálie Bruder Badie, MIM 5 Exploring the Impact of Corporate Pledges to Net Zero: Becoming Responsible, Outsourcing the Guilt, or Claiming to Do the Unachievable? doc. Ing. Ladislav Tyll, MBA, Ph.D. kombinovaná
MSc. Efthymios Daskalopoulos, MBA 3 Family Business and Digital Transformation prof. Ing. et Ing. Ondřej Machek, MBA, Ph.D. kombinovaná
Ing. Soe Min Htet, BE (mechanical) 2 Strategic orientations of family firms doc. Ing. Aleš Kubíček, Ph.D. prezenční